The topic is my choice.

I really have a hard time choosing a topic when there are no parameters. I suppose that is paradox of choice in action. I feel so overwhelmed with the responsibility of entertaining my visitors with this content that no potential topic would ever be satisfactory in my mind; quite annoying. I enjoyed just being simple with the topic here and doing more of a free flow platform. That about sums up my 3rd post. Hope you enjoyed the content!




My explanation for the topic of my blog.

I decided to sort of turn the perspective back onto the class to help me fill these posts up actually. I am not that verbose of a person, so sometimes filling these paragraphs can be a little tricky for me. However, since this a blog concerning my last assignment in my Web Development course, I can just let the thoughts flow freely and I bet this would be considered a generous paragraph in no time at all. Wow, WordPress really makes this easy, I can see how someone with little experience in coding could pick it up very easily. I’ll see you in my next post!




WelcomeWelcome visitors to my CGS2821 assignment: personal blog! I hope you enjoy the content while you are here. I honestly will not be posting anymore past this assignment. However I’m sure that my job will have me working in some capacity with web development, but not a personal blog. I don’t feel I really have enough to say to populate this regularly, or at all really. Thanks for stopping by!


